About me
I am Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Physics Department of University of Rome Tor Vergata, and Research Associate at the "Enrico Fermi" research center.
I am a statistical physicist with research interests in complex networks theory and interdisciplinary socio-economic applications. I got my PhD in Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Physics in the group of Yi-Cheng Zhang at University of Fribourg. Before my current position, I worked with Anxo Sánchez at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid as SNSF fellow, in the PIL group of Luciano Pietronero and Andrea Gabrielli at ISC-CNR in Rome, and in the NETWORKS unit at IMT Lucca with Guido Caldarelli.
I serve in the board of the Network Science Society and in the steering committee of the Complex Systems Society.
I am Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics - Interdisciplinary Physics.
My current research topics are:
Statistical Physics of Complex Networks
Reconstruction and Validation of Economic Networks
Social Network Interactions and Financial Markets
New Preprint on arXiv
M. Fessina, G. Cimini, T. Squartini, P. Astudillo-Estévez, S. Thurner, D. Garlaschelli. Inferring firm-level supply chain networks with realistic systemic risk from industry sector-level data. arXiv:2408.02467
New Preprint on arXiv
A. Mancini, A. Desiderio, G. Palermo, R. Di Clemente, G. Cimini. The rise and fall of WallStreetBets: social roles and opinion leaders across the GameStop saga. arXiv:2403.05876
New Preprint on arXiv
A. Desiderio, L. M. Aiello, G. Cimini, L. Alessandretti. The causal role of the Reddit collective action on the GameStop short squeeze. arXiv:2401.14999
New Preprint on arXiv
A. Desiderio, A. Mancini, G. Cimini, R. Di Clemente. Recurring patterns in online social media interactions during highly engaging events. arXiv:2306.14735
New Paper on Physical Review E
G. Palermo, A. Mancini, A. Desiderio, R. Di Clemente, G. Cimini. Spontaneous opinion swings in the Voter Model with latency. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024313 (2024)
New Paper on Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
M. Fessina, A. Zaccaria, G. Cimini, T. Squartini. Pattern-detection in the global automotive industry: a manufacturer-supplier-product network analysis. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 181, 114630 (2024)
New Paper on Scientific Reports
G. Tsekenis, G. Cimini, M. Kalafatis, A. Giacometti, T. Gili, G. Caldarelli. Network topology mapping of Chemical Compounds Space. Scientific Reports 14, 5266 (2024)
PRIN(s) 2022 and 2022 PNRR
The projects with acronym RENet (in collaboration with Tiziano Squartini) and C2T (with Tiziano Squartini, Diego Garlaschelli and Andrea Gabrielli) have been funded by the Italian Ministry of University under the PRIN programme. Stay tuned!